Dentures are applied in case the gums, зубы, и окружающие ткани утрачены или повреждены по любой причине. Изготавливается специально для каждого пациента. The application can be applied to a single tooth or to every teeths.
Однако, the priority is to protect the patients’ existing teeth. Each person has a different bone color and prostheses are produced according to the patient’s bone color. Таким образом, it does not look different than natural teeth. The main purpose of the application is to restore the chewing ability of the patient.
Expert dentists in our clinic can perform the pre-examination stage, without the patient being in the clinic, using the intra oral images and x-rays sent by them. If there is anything you want to ask or consult, feel free to contact us.
If you want to come from a different city or country for oral and dental health problems, our clinic also offers additional services such as transfer and accommodation.
A full denture is applied to patients who have lost all their teeth. If the patient has lost all of their teeth due to osteoporosis, травма, or decay, this treatment is preferred. Prostheses are fitted with help from the upper and lower tissues.
In this method, cheeks and lips are also supported with the help of a prosthesis. This leads to a younger-looking face. At the same time, a more beautiful smile is obtained with the aesthetic alignment of the teeth.
During the application phase, after the jaw-face x-rays are taken, the measurements are taken and the type of prosthesis is determined. A report is prepared by taking the patient wishes into consideration. Then, the relevant data are sent to the laboratory, and dentures are produced.
The prosthesis obtained is then sent to the dentist and is tried on the patient. If no change is required, treatment will be completed.
If the patient’s treatment cannot be done using fixed prostheses and there is a high number of teeth missing, precision attachment dental prostheses are used. In this method, slots are prepared in the teeth, and holders are placed.
Since sensitive parts are used here, they may feel tight in first use. Однако, it becomes comfortable over time. Due to its delicate nature, removal should be done with care.
Hook dental prostheses, a method of dental prosthesis, are also called partial dental prostheses. This method is preferred if fixed prostheses cannot be used on the patient for any reason. The prosthesis is attached to the tooth in the front of the toothless area with the help of a hook. It offers easy use with support from teeth. Patients should pay attention to the following:
Prostheses should not dry out. After removal, it should be kept in a glass of clean water.
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Each patient using dentures has a different adaptation period. Generally, it may take a few months. Within this period, patients may feel uncomfortable. Looseness or fullness may be felt in the first periods after the prosthesis is attached. After the adaptation process, the tongue and cheek muscles conform to the dental prosthesis.
Patients with hook dental prostheses should be careful during insertion and removal to avoid damage to the hooks. Acting slow and careful is recommended. The jaw should be closed when you realize that the prosthesis is fully seated.
If the prosthesis is not fully seated, it should not be tried to be placed by closing the jaw. This can damage the hooks. Поэтому, great care must be taken throughout the process.
The lifespan of hook prostheses may vary depending on the patient. Hook dental prostheses require good hygiene and care. Cases like osteoporosis or weight loss may cause the prosthesis to move or become loose. Depending on the use of the person, issues like fracture and stretching can occur. Кроме того, the loss of the teeth that supports the prosthesis is also possible.
Precision attachment dental prostheses are prepared in approximately 5 sessions together with measurements and try-ons. If damage occurs later, repairs are made within 1-2 days, depending on the size and shape of the fracture.